Resting sail
Material: carbon fiber, linen, polyethylene, optical fiber, wool
The history of sailing the seas is strongly connected to knowledge of materials and the technology for making durable sails. "Resting Sail" blends ancient and contemporary materials including wool and linen, kevlar (invented by chemist Stephanie Kwolek for DuPont), optical fiber (typically used as a submarine communication cable) and polyamide (widely used for making fishing nets known as ghost nets, known to be the biggest plastic polluters in the oceans). Here, the sail is resting, and resisting an extractive mindset towards the ocean as a resource for raw materials, both living organisms and abiotic agents of marine environments.
Kärt Ojavee (Ph.D.) is an artist, designer and lecturer. Her work is focused on future, concepts of textiles and materials. She experiments with new technologies and traditional textile fabricating techniques, testing the borders of both disciplines. She is currently a research fellow at the Estonian Academy of Arts’ Interior Architecture Department where her focus is on experimental biomaterials and living materials.